Hello all,
My new segment for my blog will be "Idiot of the Week." Why you ask? Because their are tooooo many of them out in this new day in age, Where we are trying to change the ways we live in, on or around this still beautiful world! Read this article from Yahoo! first then read my expression on this idiot!
Who the hell is this guy to not marry an interracial couple, "I do it to protect the children. The kids are innocent and I worry about their futures." I understand we look out for the future but people don't care if the kid is interracial or with needs as long as they are safe i won't care for them. It's people like him that racism exists in this country, that's an excuse to not marry interracial couples, he sends them to another justice of peace. think about that... why won't he? Beliefs, Religion or Racism, which is it Truthfully?
Thank you Justice of Peace Keith Bardwell for being the first honorary "Idiot Of The Week"